Monday, September 6, 2010

Movement is a privilege

Last time I blogged, I was talking about the I Am Mirror exercises.

This time, let's talk about ways to respect our bodies. One way I like to is MOVEMENT!

Movement is a privilege! If we can, how dare we not! I get so inspired when I'm at the park or the gym and I see someone who is handicapped, elderly or overweight exercising, doing their best to be healthy! It warms my heart and lifts my spirit. If I was feeling lazy, it stops right there! Because I'm always at the gym for work, there are times I just don't want to leave the house. This is the time I pull out my GROOVE. I put some music on and I start to dance! I feel like I'm in a music video or better yet a disco! I crack myself up at the moves I come up with, and boy do I sweat! I feel happy, alive and work every muscle in my body! My son walked in on me one day and said "What's up mom?" I answered- Me! and kept dancing. Before long he was smiling and watching my moves-LOL!

All I'm trying to say is don't limit yourself. Move your body in different ways. Take a walk, take a class, or dance around the house, its all good!

Now, it's your turn. What ideas do you have for respecting your body?

Come on, bring em!


  1. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyay movement ur an inspiration

  2. Thank you Suzanne! Your support always warms my heart!
