Monday, September 6, 2010

Movement is a privilege

Last time I blogged, I was talking about the I Am Mirror exercises.

This time, let's talk about ways to respect our bodies. One way I like to is MOVEMENT!

Movement is a privilege! If we can, how dare we not! I get so inspired when I'm at the park or the gym and I see someone who is handicapped, elderly or overweight exercising, doing their best to be healthy! It warms my heart and lifts my spirit. If I was feeling lazy, it stops right there! Because I'm always at the gym for work, there are times I just don't want to leave the house. This is the time I pull out my GROOVE. I put some music on and I start to dance! I feel like I'm in a music video or better yet a disco! I crack myself up at the moves I come up with, and boy do I sweat! I feel happy, alive and work every muscle in my body! My son walked in on me one day and said "What's up mom?" I answered- Me! and kept dancing. Before long he was smiling and watching my moves-LOL!

All I'm trying to say is don't limit yourself. Move your body in different ways. Take a walk, take a class, or dance around the house, its all good!

Now, it's your turn. What ideas do you have for respecting your body?

Come on, bring em!

A happy moment (respecting my body)

So I always wanted to blog! Was not sure what to talk about, da! My passion is health and fitness! Some how I've been afraid to venture out into the blog world. Today I feel a strong yearning to share. Its like I just moved into the home of my dreams and I can't wait to decorate!

On that note, here it goes...

Our BODIES are our best friend! Did you ever think about that? The idea that we have a body that may not be as "Perfect" as we think it should be, but it still responds to our every command. When we need it to hang with us through stressful times, it does. Having to rev up for a heavy work load week living off junk food, its right there with us. Not to mention, childbirth, break-ups, being a weekend warrior, a lovefest with sweets, partying and all the other good and bad things we throw at it, it tries its best to be there for us.

Ok people, its time to give our bodies a lot more respect! Right now, join me as we show more love and respect to our bodies!

How should we do this you may ask? Well thats the fun part! We get to design all sorts of ways to let our bodies know we are here for them! But first things first. If you've been running ahead of yourself, not wanting to turn and face the fact that YOU need your attention, it time to stop, turn and face you! This is done with no judgement. This is done with love and gratitude.

What I like to do when I'm at this point (yes fitness experts do have these moments) is what I call the I Am Mirror exercise. I take off all my clothes, this is optional, but I'm sure I've got your attention. Anyway, my clothes are off and I'm facing the mirror and I look at my body. I scan every part especially the parts I love to hate. Then I look into my eyes and I say, "Thank you my friend, thank you!"

We talk about building a better relationship with each other and promise to do better. I promise to to walk side by side instead of dragging her behind. Be best friends again! Listen to each other. I want fast results from my workouts, she wants healthy food for fuel and a massage once a week. I want to do a triathlon, she wants me to show up for my swim lessons, then a steam and sauna.

This relationship is getting back on track! Isn't it funny how we always find the time to give our all to other people, but when it comes to taking care of ourselves we seem to get lost.

So consider trying the I Am Mirror exercise first, I swear it works!!

Love and Light